dominant sex造句

"dominant sex"是什么意思   


  1. Academics noted that with her videos, Madonna was subtly reversing the usual role of male as the dominant sex.
  2. Female spotted hyenas are the choosy sex because they invest in parental care as well as being the dominant sex in the clan.
  3. In Banks'story, the distinction of three sexes causes even harsher social stratification between the genders than found in humanity, with the'apex'sex being the clearly and harshly dominant sex.
  4. If it is the father who dies, and the male is the dominant sex of that species, the son will eject the mother from the territory and assume lordship.
  5. Females are more prone to migration than males; they do not appear to migrate, on average, longer or shorter distances than males, and consequently are the dominant sex in many parts of the winter range.
  6. It's difficult to find dominant sex in a sentence. 用dominant sex造句挺难的
  7. The first is, fellows, the female bonobo is the dominant sex, though the dominance is so mild and unobnoxious that some researchers view bonobo society as a matter of " co-dominance, " or equality between the sexes.
  8. A new study by Mayo Clinic researchers, published in this month's Journal of Clinical Investigation, reports that loss of estrogen, the dominant sex hormone in women, also appears to play a major role in bone deterioration in men.
  9. In 1926 Tesla commented on the ills of the social subservience of women and the struggle of women toward gender equality, and indicated that humanity's future would be run by " Queen Bees . " He believed that women would become the dominant sex in the future.
  10. In Japan, men are considered the dominant sex, and Watase notes that as a woman there are things about the system that anger her, such as men saying she is " just a woman . " " Ceres " became a story about the relationship between men and women.
  11. In 1940 he directed a production of " The Dominant Sex " for the Billboard " said of Peisley's performance, " Frederick Peisley as Puck is adequate only, much of the wit of Shakespeare's lines being lost in the excessive bounce and speed Peisley puts into the chore ."


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